LGBTIQ Equality
We believe in equality for everyone, everywhere—no matter who they are or who they love.
Ben & Jerry’s has a long and proud history of commitment to social justice, including LGBTIQ rights and marriage equality. This commitment is grounded in our company’s core values, which include a deep respect for all people and an unshakable belief that everyone deserves full and equal civil rights.
In Australia, 72% of the population supports Marriage Equality**, so why haven’t our leaders acted? Now is the time to stand up for fair and equal rights for all by letting our leaders know that we demand Marriage Equality. Join us, the Equality Campaign and Australian Marriage Equality by taking action! Tell your local MP that you support marriage equality and you want them to take action now. You can do this by posting a message in your local Ben & Jerry’s scoop shop postbox. Don’t live near a scoop shop – no problem! You can send a fax through the Equality Campaign’s website.
Way back in 1989, Ben & Jerry's was the first major employer in our home state of Vermont to offer health insurance to domestic partners of employees, including same-sex couples. It didn't feel like a revolutionary gesture at the time—no, we just knew it was the right and fair thing to do. Here are a few other ways we have supported LGBT rights over the years:
1996: Our Foundation awarded grants to PFLAG (Parents, Friends, and Family of Lesbians and Gays) organizations
1999: We actively supported Vermont’s groundbreaking civil-unions legislation
2001: We supported the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the US
2009: We celebrated gay marriage in Vermont the best way we know how—we turned Chubby Hubby into Hubby Hubby
2010: We hosted a same-sex wedding at a Scoop Shop in Washington DC—how sweet it was!
2012: We partnered with Stonewall to support marriage equality in UK with an honorary flavor: Apple-y Ever After
2013: We rallied support for marriage equality in Australia with the I Dough, I Dough flavor, and in Ireland with EngageMint Party
2013: We worked with the band FUN. and the Ally Coalition to raise awareness about the challenges to full LGBT equality
2014: We participated for the first time in the Tokyo Rainbow Pride parade
2015: We joined more than 340 businesses in filing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court that makes the businesses’ case for marriage equality for all
2015: We supported the ‘Say Yes!’ campaign in Ireland, traveling the country and hosting Yestivals leading up to the remarkable and historic vote on May 22nd in support of marriage equality
2015: Along with so many others around the country and the world, on June 26th we celebrated the Supreme Court's momentous decision on marriage equality. To honor this victory, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough was renamed I Dough, I Dough for the summer
2015: We partnered with Australians for Marriage Equality to launch Equality Calling, urging Australian citizens to contact their MP in support of Marriage Equality.